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Utgivningsinformation, Release Notes

GeoCloud Drive’s latest feature releases

Please find below details about the latest features and updates in GeoCloud Drive.


December 2024 (v24.12)

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🆕 Enhancements to Stability and Security

We've made significant improvements to enhance the stability and security of our service. These changes ensure a more reliable connection and a more efficient synchronisation process, providing you with a smoother and more secure experience.

November 2024 (v24.11)

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🆕 Search for projects in the WebApp

When using GeoCloud Drive, the number of projects in the cloud might grow over time, making it more time-consuming to find the right one. To address this, the WebApp now includes a project search field. When starting to type the project name in the search bar, the list of projects instantly updates to match your input. This makes finding the relevant project much quicker.

Project Search.png

🐛 Bugfix: The upload or download of multiple files failed in the US

In North America, when uploading or downloading several files at once, sometimes uploads or downloads failed. This issue is fixed in the new version.

🐛 Bugfix: Automatic log out of Desktop Synchronisation App

Some users were automatically logged out of the Desktop Synchronisation App without any notification. The login mechanism of the Desktop Synchronisation App was improved to fix this behaviour.

🐛 Stability improvement of the synchronisation process of the Desktop Synchronisation App

We introduced some stability mechanisms in the Desktop Synchronisation App, which improve the synchronisation process with the backend.

October 2024 (v24.10)

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🆕 Introducing the new installer with automatic updates

The new Desktop Synchronisation App installer features a sleek, new design. Unfortunately, you will only see it once—future updates will happen automatically in the background, eliminating the need for manual downloads and updates.

Important: Before using the new installer, please manually uninstall the old version via Windows Settings. This is a one-time process.

You'll receive a warning if you run the new installer with the old version still installed.

DesktopApp - 1st installation.png

To uninstall:

Open Windows Settings → Apps → Installed Apps.
Uninstall GeoCloud Drive.
Run the new DesktopApp installer.


🆕 Synchronising projects with the same name

The Desktop Synchronisation App can now synchronise multiple projects with the same name.

Previously, the Desktop Synchronisation App showed an error when multiple projects had the same name. Now, it can synchronise projects with identical names by adding a number to the local folder, while keeping the project name unchanged in the cloud storage.



🆕 Opening the WebApp from the Desktop Synchronisation App

You can now open the WebApp directly from within the Desktop Synchronisation App. Simply click on the globe button located in the lower bar.

DesktopApp - Main Window.png

🐛 Bugfix: Handling unsupported file and folder names in the Desktop Synchronisation App

In the latest Desktop Synchronisation App version, files or folders containing forbidden characters will not be synchronised.

If a file or folder cannot be synchronised due to these restrictions, you will be notified. This allows you to identify and rename the item so it can be synchronised.

🐛 Bugfix: Improved handling of failed uploads in the WebApp

We have resolved issues related to failed uploads in the WebApp. Previously, failed uploads would block the file name for some time. Now, if an upload fails, the file name is released immediately, allowing you to retry the upload with the same name.

July 2024 (v24.07)

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🆕 Move files between folders

When uploading files to GeoCloud Drive, it can happen that they are loaded into the wrong folder, and it would be cumbersome to then have to delete the files and re-upload them to the correct folder.

GeoCloud Drive now allows moving files between folders within the same project. Select the file to move, press the Move icon and navigate to the folder to move the file to. The file is automatically removed from the original folder and moved to the new folder.

Several or all files in a folder can be selected to be moved at once.

This allows for quick and easy file management process by eliminating the need to download and re-upload files for reorganization purposes.

Move file.gif

🆕 Create a project from the context menu of the File Explorer

With the last version of the GeoCloud Drive Desktop Synchronisation App, projects could not be created in the File Explorer, which meant that it was always necessary to open the web browser to create a new project.

With the latest version of the Desktop Synchronisation App, it is possible to create a project directly in the context menu of the File Explorer.

To create a project, right click within the File Explorer. The context menu shows a new section called “GeoCloud Drive”.

In Windows 11 you need to click on “Show more options” to see the GeoCloud Drive section.

Within this section, press “Create project”.


A pop-up window will appear to enter the name of the project.


Once the project has been created, a new File Explorer window opens with the new project, so content can immediately be added.

The access management for the project must be done within the web application of GeoCloud Drive.


Available from Desktop Synchronisation App version 1.3.0 onwards.

April 2024 (v24.04)

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🆕 Drag and Drop file upload

Uploading files to GeoCloud Drive through traditional file browsing can be cumbersome and time-consuming.

GeoCloud Drive now allows file uploading by simply dragging files from the local storage and dropping them directly into the open folder in the WebApp. If needed, several files can be selected and uploaded at once.

This allows for quick and intuitive file upload and can be a real-time saver by eliminating the need for navigating through file directories.

Drag and Drop 3.gif

🆕 Document viewer

When several files are stored in GeoCloud Drive, it can be tedious to download a file to view it to just get some quick information. With many files stored in a project, it might also not always be immediately clear, which file is needed.

The new document viewer in GeoCloud Drive allows viewing PDF, TXT, CSV and image files directly within the cloud. Just click on the file name and the content is shown in the document viewer window.

This saves the time needed for downloading and opening the file and reduces the need for an external application to view the file.

File viewer.gif

🆕 Synchronization status

When working with files from GeoCloud Drive, it is important to be sure that the latest available version of the file is being used.

GeoCloud Drive now displays the synchronization status of the last 30 files that were uploaded, downloaded, renamed, or removed in the Desktop Synchronization App. It also displays an error in case the file-related action was not successful.

The synchronization status provides immediate feedback on the outcome of any file-related actions. This provides reassurance that the files being used are of the latest status, which reduces uncertainty.


🆕 Latest feature release information

New features are being released for the GeoCloud Drive WebApp continuously and for the Desktop Synchronization App with each new version. Not realising which new features are available might mean missing out on valuable functionalities that could enhance productivity.

The GeoCloud Drive Web App and Desktop Synchronization App now display an information message notifying about new features that have been introduced. This message is presented upon logging into the platform and displays a link that allows reading detailed information about the new functionality.

Once the link in the announcement has been opened or the message has been dismissed, it will not show up again until the next feature announcement.

This information message helps ensure that new features are known and can be adopted as soon as possible and can be used to improve existing workflows.

In the WebApp, the announcement is shown in the top bar.


In the Desktop Synchronization App, the announcement is shown in a banner at the bottom of the window.

RN viewer.gif

🐛 Bugfix: Synchronisation status of single files is not visible in main window of the Desktop Synchronisation App

The user interface did not show the status of a single file synchronisation. When clicking with the left mouse-click on the tray icon, the list of synchronisation file statuses was empty. The synchronisation status shows the activity on files.

🐛 Bugfix: Synchronisation is not working if folder names have been changed in terms of capitalization.

When a folder name has been changed in the WebApp by changing only the capitalization (e.g., renaming “Archive” to “ARCHIVE”), the synchronisation of this folder with the Desktop synchronisation App stopped.

You can rename any folder with a capitalized word, and the synchronisation process of the Desktop Synchronisation App continues.

December 2023 (v23.12)

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🆕 Automatic Theme

With previous versions of the WebApp, it was always necessary to manually change between Dark Theme and Light Theme. With the latest version of the WebApp, the “Dark Theme” or “Light Theme” is automatically selected depending on the system setting of Windows.

🆕 Automatic removal of project folders when the access has been revoked

The project folders on the local disk will be automatically removed when the user loses access to this project.

This ensures that the folder structure on the local disk is always up-to-date, and no project data remains on the local disk.

🐛 Bugfix: Synchronisation of folders with more than 32 items

The Desktop Synchronisation App could only synchronise 32 items per folder. Further items were ignored. The limitation of items per folder has been removed. All items within a folder will now be synchronised.

🐛 Bugfix: File names with a “+” were ignored

When adding a file with the character “+” in the file name, the file would infinitely remain in the synchronisation state while no synchronisation would take place. This issue has been fixed. The “+” symbol in the file name is now supported.

🐛 Bugfix: Files with the character “Å” were removed

File with the character “Å” in the filename were removed from the cloud storage. The issue has been fixed and file names with the character “Å” are supported.

October 2023 (v23.10)

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🆕 This is the first release of GeoCloud Drive

The GeoCloud Drive service was introduced in October 2023. The GeoCloud Drive can be accessed via the WebApp, Desktop Synchronisation App and the Captivate.

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